Saturday, May 21, 2011

Wk3 Wimba 5-17-11

   images by Microsoft clip art

This week’s Wimba session was very informative about the AR Abstract and it’s components. It really cleared up all my questions. 

This session revealed great insight into the Art of Possibilities. Zander focuses on everyone's possibilities not on their limitations.

Which chapters meant the most to you and why?
The reasons why were very insightful. My classmates brought up several valid points that I had over looked because I found one specific point that touch me and tended to focus on it. 

What things are you going to take from the reading and use in your teaching and life?
As I listened and read the text responses to the discussion question I learned more interesting ways to use Zander’s teaching. The majority of my classmates said, "Don't forget to give yourself an A" was their biggest take away. I also really liked Jim Farmer's comment about:
"You can't teach an old Principal new tricks but you can lead by example and love what you do. Enjoy your time with your students - the joy of teaching and igniting young minds will spark changes. Small steps can lead to big changes." 
This session opened my eyes to all the positive possibilities. If we only look at situations from Zander's point of view, change the things within our power and don't take the other things so serious.  


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